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One to One Lessons

Use these ideas to earn extra income giving private classes, or to teach your own child or children. Watch a fun video - totally free - of me teaching one on one, and see how easy, and how much fun it is.
They are for children aged 3 to 12, beginners.There is also a lot of information in the resource on teaching twos...

Before you go and do that, if you are a parent and you cannot use the group games you are receiving here PLEASE scroll to the bottom of this email and unsubscribe first - this saves you receiving useless emails with information you cannot use. Just go here for the free one to one games and video:
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And now for some ONE TO ONE TIPS for teaching children aged 4-12
To use games successfully when teaching private classes you sometimes need to join in and play the game too. You could say, well then I'd just win all the time, and yes in some games that would be true. Many games are pure luck however, so you can play along with those no problem.
If you are playing a game where you are in competition with your pupil, and normally you would win all the time, then you do things like this: - give your pupil a head start of 10 to 30 seconds - make your task harder - give yourself double the task to complete in the same time  your pupil completes it once - award your pupil three points to your one - award your pupil 10 bonus points at the start of the game - lose deliberately by being slow (but pretend to hurry),  or 'accidentally' drop your pen, or paper You don't always want to be in competition with your pupil so you can also use a stopwatch or timer to add an element of excitement.
Time your pupil each round of a game and see if they can beat their previous time.  You can also use the stopwatch to give a time limit to an activity, aiming to allow only just enough time so that your pupil(s) is more stimulated than if he or she were simply working methodically through the exercise.
You can also use a timer. Oven timers that tick and have a bell which goes off after the given time is up are good. Your pupil must complete the task before the bell goes off. An alarm clock would be a substitute for this, or a wind up musical box or an egg timer could also be used.  I also use the kind of bells you find on hotel reception desks in some games.  The students race to tap on the bell when they have their answer.  This is more effective when you have two or more students but is still an added fun element for the younger children even in one to one lessons.
And finally, always be sensitive:  If you are racing your student, or have two students racing each other, be careful that one person does not always lose.  Use competition if you see that it enhances the mood rather than causes unnecessary tension or a loss of morale.  Rig the game freely to allow both players to win as equally as possible.

Teaching one to one is immensely rewarding, as progress can be fast. In addition to games I highly recommend putting on
short plays with your student(s) in front of their parents
or friends. 

Songs are also a great way to learn, and if you have the
resources lend or recommend videos to watch for homework.
By videos I'm talking about films such as Spiderman,
Batman, King Kong, or Cinderella and Walt Disney movies -
all in English with NO subtitles.  Your pupils will watch
these many times over willingly and will absorb a huge
amount of language subconsciously, even if initially they
cannot understand the dialogues.

If you are thinking about the cost of buying videos, versus
the cost of your teacher's salary, then take heart.  I have
found really cheap second hand videos and DVDs on the

You could also consider building a library of comic books
to read for homework, which will also help immensely.  You
would not expect your student to understand all that much
initially but the subconscious will be absorbing the
language all the time.

It's a good idea to take a deposit for the replacement cost
of the video or comic (including postage) - that way if
your pupil disappears off into the night with it you are
not out of pocket.

The combination of giving fun classes with games, getting
results and offering extra services such as a video or
comic library, will set you apart from your colleagues and
you'll be sure to get lots of recommendations from parents
to you for private classes.

I wish you all the best with your teaching, and lots of
extra income from private lessons.

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