Bagi pelajar pemula yang ingin mendalami Bahasa Inggris, tentu penguasaan grammar menjadi salah satu elemen penting. Saat ini kita akan membahas Present Simple Tense atau sering disingkat Present Simple saja. Present Simple memiliki ciri-ciri khusus yakni digunakan dalam kebiasaan sehari-hari, sesauatu yang sudah umum atau lumrah, dll.
Berikut ini panduan yang diberikan Raymon Murphy dalam bukunya Grammar In Use.
1. Study this example situation:
Alex is the bus driver. But now he is asleep in bed.
He is not driving a bus (he is asleep)
But: He drives a bus.
This is the present simple tense:
I/you/we/they drive
He/she/it drives
Dalam situasi di atas menunjukan bahwa Alex seorang pengemudi bis yang tentu setiap hari dia mengemudikan bisnya. Maka situasi tersebut harus diungkapkan dalam bentuk Present Simple.So:
He is not driving a bus (he is asleep)
But: He drives a bus.
This is the present simple tense:
I/you/we/they drive
He/she/it drives
Subject + Verb I + ........
We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We are not thinking only about the present. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking. In short Present Simple is used to indicate a regular or habitual action:
Seperti yang dicetak tebal bahwa penggunaan present simple untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang umum yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang, sesuatu yang sudah lumrah secara umum dan menunjukan aksi atau aktivitas sehari-hari. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
- The earth goes around the sun.
- Nurses look after patients in hospital.
- In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m.
- I work in the bank. Barry works in a shop.
Tapi ingat! kata-kata yang memang sering digunakan dalam bentuk Present Simple, tidak digunakan dalam Present Continuous sebagai berikut:
Know - believe - hear - see - smell - wish
Understand - hate - love- like - want - sound
Have - need - appeare - seem - taste -own
- They understand the problem now.(Not, They
are understanding...) - We want to leave now. (Not, We
are wanting...) - Your cough sounds bad.(Not, Your cough
is sounding...)
Do I/you/we/they go
Does he/she/it/Ali I/you/we/they don’t go
He/She/It/Ali doesn’t
- Excuse me, do you speak English?
- ‘Would you like a cigarette?’ ‘No, Thanks. I don’t smoke.’
- What does this word mean?
- Rice doesn’t grow in Britain.
Seperti yang tadi dijelaskan bahwa Present Simple digunakan untuk kebiasaan sehari-hari. Lihat contoh:
- I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.
- How often do you go to the dentist?
- Ann doesn’t often drink tea.
- In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.
- Where do you come from?
- He comes from Japan.
- ‘I’m tired.’ ‘Why don’t you go bed early?’
Present Tense
Grammar Review
- Present Perfect (I have done) 3
- Unit 14 Present Perfect (I have done) 2
- Unit 13 Present Perfect (I have done) 1
- Polite Request With “I” and “You”
- Modal Auxiliaries
- Unit 12 Past Continuous (I was doing)
- Past Simple
- The Noun Phrase
- Unit 10 Will be doing and Will have done
- Unit 9 When and If sentences
- Will or going to?
- Unit 7 Will (2)
- Unit 6 Will
- Unit 5 Going to (I am going to)
- Unit 4 Present tense (I am doing/ I do) with a Future Meaning
- Present Simple or Present Progressive
- The List of Irregular Verbs
- Modifier
- Complement
- Verb
- Subject
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