1. Sentences and clause
2. Snetence Type
3. Paragraphs
4. Phrases
Sentences and clauses
A sentence has a capital letter at the beginning and ends with a full stop (.), a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!). It must have a verb in it and it must make complete sense all on its own.
A simple sentence is called a clause.
Some sentences can be broken up into smaller sentences. These simple sentences are called clauses.She ran down the road but he chose to walk.
This sentence is made up of two clauses, both of which could work on their own as simple sentences.You can join clauses together using conjunctions to make more interesting sentences that are much easier to read than lots of short sentences.
Amy took the dog for a walk. It got very dirty.
Amy took the dog for a walk and it got very dirty.
The dog got very dirty when Amy took it for a walk.
Amy took the dog for a walk and it got very dirty.
The dog got very dirty when Amy took it for a walk.

- and
- but
- although
- when
- whenever
- because
Sentence types
Different types of sentence do different jobs.Statements
A statement is a sentence that simply tells the reader something.The dog is dirty.

That dog is absolutely filthy!

Use a question mark ? at the end of a sentence to show that you are asking a question.Why haven’t you bathed the dog?
A command is when you are telling someone to do something. Commands usually start with a verb (a doing word). You should use commands when you are writing instructions telling someone how to do something.- Fill the bath with warm water.
- Give the dog a bath.

A paragraph is a collection of sentences about the same thing. Collecting your sentences into paragraphs makes your writing easier to read.Start a new line after each paragraph. You may want to leave a space before you start the next paragraph. Some people like to start the first line of a new paragraph a little way in from the edge of the page. This is called an indent.
A phrase is a group of words that could be replaced by a single part of speech, for example, a noun.The big, brown dog had a very loud bark.

By using phrases rather than simple nouns or verbs, you can make your writing more descriptive.
Pretty and wonderful post, very useful!
Waah.. nice blog.. game nya juga menarik. thanks pak. Sangat bermanfaat.
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